Our Lady & St Ninians
and Sacred Heart

Weddings: “Greater love has no one than this than that he lay down his life for his friend”. If you wish to make this life long commitment in Christ, you are most welcome to do so in this Church. Normally 6 months notice is necessary to enable the completion of the preparation programme

Baptisms: Through this Sacrament we are born again to eternal life in Christ. There is no greater gift God can give us. Both for children and adults a programme of preparation is necessary. Everyone is welcome so please contact us.
have come that you may have life and have it to the full”
Coping with the death of a loved one is always difficult and we are here to help. Please make contact with us as soon as possible after death. We will do all we can to help you with both practical and spiritual arrangements. In case it may be of assistance, links to local undertakers are provided.

Mass Times
Monday No Mass
Tuesday 7.00pm
Wednesday 10.00am
Thursday 10.00am
Friday 10.00am
Saturday 6.30pm
Sunday 10am & 11.30am